Quality Tests in Geomembranes

Leakage tests
1. Air channel testing

 Hot wedge equipment is used in the installation of polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC geomembranes to overlap two material canvases or panels to cover surfaces with different sizes. Hot wedge equipment creates a weld with an air channel in the middle, in such a way that one can verify the tightness of the weld. To carry out the test, it is necessary to possess a pressure gauge to measure the air pressure that is pumped in the air channel. In addition to that, a needle is required to pierce the geomembrane in one of the two ends of the welding line that is being is verified. There are different needle sizes that are used according to the thickness of the geomembrane.

To have an accurate reading of the pressure gauge, it is necessary to obstruct the air outlet in both ends of the welded line once the needle is inserted in the air channel. This quality test can be used simply to verify that there are no leaks in the line. If necessary, certain rules must be followed to determine the required air pressure and how long the pressure gauge must be kept with this pressure inside the air channel. 


2.Vacuum box testing


When installing polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC geomembranes, it is required to make patches and details with a heat gun and an extruder. However, the type of weld that is obtained with this equipment does not generate an air channel like with the hot wedge. It is then necessary to carry out a leaking and strength test of the sealing with a vacuum box. The vacuum box is usually rectangular, although there are also squared, rounded and bracket-type versions. In all cases the box is made of acrylic or thermoformed polycarbonate and has a neoprene seal at the base, so that when placing the box on an uneven surface on top of the geomembrane, it does not let air escape and functions as a seal. Additionally, the box has a vacuum gauge and suction motor, either integrated or independent, to generate vacuum in the interior of the box. This way, the force of suction can detach a faulty weld or detect any leakages with the help of a soap solution.

3.Spark testing


Quality testing can be carried out by means of a spark tester to verify the possible leaks in a surface covered with a geomembrane or a sheet. There are several types of spark testers available for leak testing. The spark tester can adjust to the different thickness of the plastic coatings. In some cases, it is necessary to put a copper wire before performing the welding, with either an extruder or a heat gun, so that the tester is able to identify any pore or hole in the welded surface. In the same manner, there are spark or arc testers that do not require the copper wire to check for leakages in plastic-coated surfaces. This equipment has a wire that is grounded outside the coated surface, so that it only requires a conductive material such as earth, concrete, etc., underneath the plastic. To ensure a job well done and avoid dangerous leakages or economic losses due to these leakages, it is of vital importance to perform these types of testing.

Destructive testing
Manual Peeling Testing

Manual Peeling Testing



Vacuum Box with Motor

Vacuum Box with Motor

Spark Testing

Spark Testing

Pressure Gauge with Water

Pressure Gauge with Water

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