Heat gun

Heat guns are ideal equipment for welding any sort of thermoplastics, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, PVDF, etc. Plastic welding is mainly used in construction of tubs, tanks, water and chemical containers, and as part of an industrial process.
Heat guns are air heat blowers that suck in and expel air through a nozzle, which has a ceramic resistor that heats the air flow up to approximately 650 degrees. This allows to heat the filler material (weld) and bring it to a thermoplastic state, which varies according to the material.

Digital heat guns are recommended when welding high thickness plastics is required and when welding plastics in extreme weather conditions. In plastic welding it's important to choose the right equipment according to the application. This is determined based on the type of material, thickness, surface and other variables to be taken into consideration.


The speed to weld with a heat gun depends on the regulation of the temperature and the pressure exerted by the cord on the base material.
The determinant feature for a well-done weld with a heat gun is the stability of the temperature during the preheating stage and that of the mass or filler material. Furthermore one must bear in mind that to achieve good results, plastic welding must be carried out by trained personnel with the adequate material, equipment and tools.

Related products: welding, training, certification, plastic repairment, quality testing


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